

Please try to arrive before your appointment. 


24 Hour Cancellation Policy. 

Your appointments are very important time allocated for an appointment is reserved especially for you. I understand that sometimes schedule adjustments are necessary; therefore, I respectfully request at least 24 hours notice for adjustments to your appointments and for cancellations. All policies are designed to benefit guests.

What to know before your Massage. 

Your massage therapist will ask preliminary questions to determine your overall health, as well as any health and wellness goals. I will consider information about your physical condition, medical history, lifestyle, stress levels, medications and any areas of physical pain that could affect your massage therapy outcome. This information will help structure the session to achieve your health and wellness goals.


What to know before your Facial. 

Arrive early. Feel free to share any concerns relating to your overall skin health and explain what you hope to achieve through the treatment. 


What to know before Waxing.

The hair should be at least 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch for best results. If you have coarse hair it should be closer to 1/2-inch for best results. 







All Sales are final.